Love Followed By Torture...

Ruben Lewis Spurrs.

Sup? I'm Ruben. Yeh, u've guessed , I'm quite the emo. I'm into that stuff.
I'm 17 and I go to Carmel High.
My best friend is Mark. We tell each other EVERYTHING. Well, nearly. One thing I haven't told him is about my crush, Cristelle.
She's the best thing that ever happened to me but in a way she isn't. I love her but she's going out with Ryan and that a whole other story. Let's just say that Ryan isn't on my good side.


Cristelle Sammy Parker

HiHi x I'm Cristelle. All my friends call me Crissy(: I'm 16 and go to Carmel High. My best friend is Tammy and we share EVERYTHING with each other. Well, everything we WANT to anyway. What I haven't told her is that I have a crush on Ruben. If I tell her it's most likely she'll tell Ryan. Now trust me thats sheer torture. Ryan is strong. VERY STRONG. That's why I'm sorta using him. I'm like a bird compared to whatever is really strong like him. But, Shhh! That's our little secret(;

Tammy Joan Whitewood

Hey people. I'm Tammy but u can call me Tam. I'm 16 and you'll get the picture of which school I go to. My best friend is Crissy<3 You're probably thinking we're quite the opposites. Well, don't worry you are seeing right. We are but we love each other :DD 'Course in the friend ways xx
There's just one thing. I don't want Criss to know this but I think I have a crush on Ryan. She'll go balistic if she finds out. Thats why I'm not going to tell her.


Ryan Isaac Mason.

Supz? I'm Ryan. I'm 18 and go to Carmel High, the worst school EVER! I don't really have any friends but I have a girlfriend. Now thats something? Crissy is the best thing that ever happened to me though it feels like she hates. Criss is one who keeps me going and I don't want to lose her but you can't change how people feel.


Chapter 1
*Ruben's P.O.V*.        

I don't want to go to school today. I can't stand another day of seeing Crissy getting sucked into the world of Ryan. But I have to. I got ready and walked to school. *DINGALINGALING* Just in time. I walked into the classroom but as soon as I did my heart sank.

I saw Ryan was sitting in my seat with Crissy next to him.
Ruben: Get out of my seat.
Ryan: I don't want to.
Ruben: Just get out.
Ryan: Woah! Calm down, man! Go and sit at the back.
Well, there's no moving him.
Just then I felt a tap on my arm. Crissy. 'Sorry' she mouthed. Hm! Why did she care?
Teacher: Please turn around Cristelle.
Crissy: Sorry, Sir.
Teacher: Today we going to do a test.
Trust me you wouldn't want to go all through the test so I'm not going to tell you.
*After the test*
Teacher: Well, I must say you all did well.
'Why thank you, Sir!' said a boy at the front.
Everyone went silent and then burst out laughing.
Teacher: That is not necessary, William.
William: Sorry, Sir.
William blushed a bit.
Teacher: Now, go to your next class please.
I looked down to my scheduele. Great, I had Ms. Crest next. I HATE Ms. Crest.